About Us
Get into the program of your choice.
Our Expertise
I Got In showcases the most collaborative approach to academic success. Our diverse team will help you gain entry into the competitive program of your choice. Our 20+ years of experience, data-driven counselling, and dedication to your success will help you stand out from the crowd.
Physicians ensure your application highlights the characteristics most important to medicine, dentistry and residency.
Lawyers help you create an application that demonstrates your potential to succeed in the legal field.
Admissions Advisors
Professional Writers
Business professionals help you emphasize your unique qualities to ensure you succeed in the business school admissions process.
Communication experts help you understand questions and prepare you to answer strategically.
Educators and Counsellors
Academic Consultants
Educators & career counsellors help you select your top programs of choice and create a comprehensive plan.
Academic consultants strategize and support you throughout the entire application process.
Professional writers support you in crafting a compelling and authentic story to impress committee members.
Former admissions committee advisors give you insider knowledge into today’s complex admissions process.
Communication Experts
Business Professionals
Our Process
Discovery Session
We discover your goals and review your academic history and lived experiences in order to best understand your profule and best position you for success in your application.
Expert Collaboration
Our experts get together to review your file from different perspectives, giving you the benefit of many minds and leaving no stone unturned. This approach optimizes your application for success.
Strategic Preparation
We leverage our experience in pre-application counseling, application consulting, and interview preparation to give you a distinct advantage, offering tailored advice that suits your unique application.
Book a consultation to learn how our experts can help you get in