Canadian Law School Admission Statistics and Tips



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Canadian Law School Admission Statistics and Tips

Deciding which law school to apply to and the law school admission process can be tricky. How do you determine which programs you are eligible for? Which ones would consider you a competitive applicant? What is considered a good LSAT score? Are your LSAT score and GPA considered competitive? 

To help you make this decision, I Got In has compiled a list of Canadian law school admission statistics. The charts below list the 2021 Canadian law school admission statistics for all English programs. 

Keep in mind that while your academic performance is important, law schools use your application to form a comprehensive image of who you are. Your academic performance is only a fraction of the data that they use to compose this image. Many schools warn you to not to place too much emphasis on this portion of your application. In fact, in order to avoid this overemphasis, some Canadian law schools do not publish their admission statistics and encourage all applicants to apply. 

Many law schools do not have a minimum LSAT score or GPA that you must achieve in order to apply. So, instead of listing minimum requirements, the charts below list the average GPA and LSAT scores of these universities’ first-year classes in 2021. 

One more note before diving into the charts:

While most Canadian law schools present their LSAT statistics in scores, some present their information in percentiles instead. Your percentile represents your standing in relation to the other people who took the LSAT when you did. Therefore, the score that corresponds with a given percentile may vary from year to year. So keep this in mind as well while going through the charts below. 

Without further ado, here are the admission statistics of Canadian law schools.

Ontario Law Schools

All law schools in Ontario use the same portal to gather their applications: the Ontario Law School Application Service (OLSAS). Since they are all gathered through this same portal and have significant overlap in deadlines and other application requirements, we have chosen to compile them into the same chart. You can also use the OLSAS conversion table to convert your GPA from other institutions into their 4.00 scale.

School Average (4.00 Scale) Average LSAT Scores Average Number of Admissions Average Number of Applicants Admission Rate (%)
Lakehead University 3.00 Information Unavailable 65 780 8.3
Ryerson University Information Unavailable Information Unavailable 150 2521 5.9
York University 3.69 82nd percentile 290 2735 10.6
University of Ottawa 3.70 157 320 2637 12.1
Queen’s University 3.70 157 208 3500 5.9
University of Toronto 3.88 168 215 2779 7.7
Western University 3.70 80th percentile 185 2800 6.6
University of Windsor Information Unavailable Information Unavailable 165 2000 8.2

Law Schools in Other provinces 

Other Canadian universities have their own systems for calculating your GPA. For convenience and uniformity, all GPAs have been converted to a 4.00 scale. 

School Competitive GPA (4.00 scale) Competitive LSAT Average Number of Admissions Average Number Applicants Admission Rate (%)
University of British Columbia 3.70 166 200 1500 13.3
Thompson Rivers University Information Unavailable Information Unavailable Information Unavailable Information Unavailable Information Unavailable
University of Victoria 3.81 157 110 1000 11
University of Alberta 3.80 160 185 1200 15.4
University of Calgary 3.66 161 130 1186 11
University of Saskatchewan 3.44 159 126 1075 11.7
University of Manitoba 3.55 160 106 700 15.1
McGill University 3.8 165 183 1400 13.1
University of New Brunswick 3.53 158 92 Information Unavailable Information Unavailable
Dalhousie University 3.44 161 170 1300 13.1

Now that you have a general idea of which law schools would likely consider you a competitive applicant, your next step is to visit their websites and find out what other information they require in your application for law schools. 

Give yourself plenty of time to assemble all other components such as reference letters and your autobiographical sketch. Should you need any help in conveying your story in an authentic and compelling manner, do not hesitate to reach out to our law school admission consultants for help. 

Good luck!

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